Let us go resolutely into the days ahead, mindful that the sun turns on its wheel and life returns even to the most blasted land; that neither victory nor defeat is ever as absolute as it seems in the moment; and that the work which lies before us has ever lain before us, and will […]
Little Celebrations #11: Liturgical Quotables
Our Religion lies not in what we believe, but in where we find wonder and goodness. We are, most of all, a community that gathers to reach toward that which can never quite be grasped. Though each of us may be slightly different from the other, still we are connected, by common DNA, common heritage, […]
Little Celebrations #8: Liturgical Quotables
We arrive here out of many walks of life. We wear clothing of different patterns and our feet go in boots or shoes or sandals. Some read magazines, others read novels, still others read technical works or works of history. But gathered in community our hearts beat together, we laugh together, our tears are of […]
Little Celebrations #7: Liturgical Quotables
We are conceived in mystery to walk a narrow path: doubt on the one side, wonder on the other, faith which sustains and reason which guides. In gathering as a religion, we support one another, challenge one another, learn from one another, help one another remember what is too easy to forget. * * * […]
Little Celebrations #5: Liturgical Quotables
It is good to gather with friends of the heart, to breathe in sparkling spirits which dwell in enlightened community. Greeting and appreciation to those who are new to us. Thanks also to those who have journeyed together year after year. Let faith, wisdom, and commitment blend in this place. Let us come together as […]