Unitarian Universalist ministry was a huge, mid-life career change for me. When I made the decision, I didn’t dream I had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s a rigorous path. The Unitarian Universalist Association requires self-analysis, years of postgraduate education, and extensive fieldwork. As a final step, the Candidate goes before the UUA’s Ministerial Fellowship Committee […]
Sorting Out PTSD: Snakes or Prisms?
I write about my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder not least because I am in a relatively safe place to do so. Being retired, my income no longer depends on what people think of me. My mental illness makes me no less compassionate, inquisitive, or creative. It simply means I have an extra hurdle now and then. […]
Bullying, PTSD, and the Search for Meaning
A few days ago, I came across an article at the Slate website: “College Students Who Were Bullied as Kids Are at Higher Risk for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. My reaction was a short, nasty laugh, followed by “No frikkin’ kidding?” You see, I am in treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Until just a […]