*This entry adapts the introduction to my new book: Clueless: My Education in White Supremacy. If you find this intriguing and want to know more, the book is available as a paperback and also e-edition on amazon. In 1967, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King wrote, “Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in […]
What the Fifth Principle Project Doesn’t Want to Talk About: Part One
Jay Kiskel and his supporters have plenty to say about Unitarian Universalist flaws on his Fifth Principle website. When questioned on some of his statements, however, they often respond by condemning the questioner, shutting down comments on the whole page, or providing non-answers which cherry-pick one phrase while ignoring the question itself. So let’s look […]
By the Reverend Cynthia Landrum [Editor’s note, I am using my blogsite to host another guest editorial, this one by the Rev. Cynthia Landrum, on the inaccuracies of (contested) Board Nominee Jay Kiskel’s claims on his blog.) INTRODUCTION Recently UU layperson and Nominee-by-petition for the UUA Board Jay Kiskel published this article, “When Democracy Dies” […]
Understanding “Gadflies” as GA Approaches*
*Note: This is a guest post, compiled using information gathered from trusted colleagues. They prefer to remain anonymous because the faction who refer to themselves as “Gadflies” have been known to attack ministers who disagree with them. They have even succeeded at forcing ministers into resignation–which by itself should suggest who we’re dealing with. I […]
Doing the Best We Can
My latest book, Ahnungslosigkeit: the Education of a Clueless White Man, will not be published till late this summer. In the meantime, here is a “sneak preview” of the Epilogue. (Now you don’t even have to buy the book to see what I’m driving at. How cool is that?) 🙂 Indigenous Australian artist and activist […]