The seasons have cycled for billions of years. The sun ever journeys toward the next way station on the calendar, ever brings new light and warmth to the land. In the same spirit we gather weekly to share our own warmth and reflect on the greatness in which we are embedded. We celebrate processes beyond […]
Little Celebrations #5: Liturgical Quotables
It is good to gather with friends of the heart, to breathe in sparkling spirits which dwell in enlightened community. Greeting and appreciation to those who are new to us. Thanks also to those who have journeyed together year after year. Let faith, wisdom, and commitment blend in this place. Let us come together as […]
Reflections on Wind and Trees
“The world offers itself to your imagination,” wrote poet Mary Oliver. On good days, we can journey through the poem. It’s a big danged poem, but after awhile it kind of starts to make sense. Wandering the hills of southern Indiana, where I live, I marvel at the wind and trees. A microburst of wind heedlessly […]
What’s a God-Centered Atheist?
Many a year ago I interned at People’s Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. People’s Church had been a fierce bastion of Unitarian Universalist Humanism through much of the 20th century. A series of strictly Humanist Ministers eschewed pulpit robes or any kind of “God-talk.” They had not preached “sermons,” they had delivered “discourses.” Even while I was […]