1 Text of Eklof’s sermon, “Correction: Ours Is a Liberal Religion, Not a ‘Covenantal’ One,” may be found at https://uuspokane.org/WP2/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/CorrectionLiberalNotCovenantal.pdf It is worth nothing that, in the YouTube video of this sermon, Eklof repeatedly departs from the script and says things that are not in the text. The web address for the Fifth Principle Project’s […]
I was in the middle of a crush of students, changing classes at Salt Lake City’s West High School, in 1966. A girl was walking down the stairs ahead of me, wearing a loose-ish, pull-over top. Without even thinking about it, I hooked a finger at the neckline, pulled the fabric toward me, and peeked […]
Little Celebrations #25: Liturgical Quotables
May we live so a should might see God as they wander the mountains; If the listen with awe, for God lies in the cries of the wind; In the manner of sunlight that glints on waves dancing on water. Looking out for the holy is only a habit of mind. –from Servetus: the Radical […]
Little Celebrations #24: Liturgical Quotables
Some days we burst with life like buds swelling to meet the sun. Other days we feel cracked, empty, and brittle as old skeleton leaves blown along the ground. We gather in religious community: new and old, empty and full, to create in our togetherness a richness, a subtlety, a completeness that we do not […]