For anyone who might find it useful, this is a (non-exhaustive) list of Unitarian and Universalist statements of belief and principle, affirmed over the centuries by the two branches of our tradition. This should serve as a resource for a more accurate, honest discussion of proposed changes in the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Bylaws. 1790—Philadelphia […]
The Problem with “Reason”
Eons ago, as a college freshman, I ran afoul of 17th-century philosopher Rene Descartes. Considered the father of modern, rational thinking, Descartes is famous for his “cogito argument.” In Latin that’s “Cogito, ergo sum” translated as “I think, therefore I am.” The first thing I learned about Descartes was that his writing was so convoluted, […]
What Does the UUMUAC Believe?
One of the loudest voices against any Unitarian Universalist attempt to overcome embedded White supremacy culture is a group calling itself the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Council, usually shortened to UUMUAC. UUMUAC was founded several years ago by one Finley Campbell, a member of Chicago’s First Unitarian Church. He was long UUMUAC’s main spokesman, […]
The Gadfly Molehill
(Note: this is a guest post by Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum.) The UUA has two candidates running by petition against the UUA Nominating Committee’s candidates for UUA Board of Trustees this year, as well as a protest happening outside the General Assembly, as announced by the Fifth Principle Project. The Fifth Principle Project is […]
“It Can’t Possibly Be a Bird: Todd Eklof’s Ignorance of Covenantal Theology”
(NOTE: For my document endnotes, please refer to my accompanying post, “It Can’t Possibly Be a Bird: Todd Eklof’s Ignorance on Covenantal Theology” FOOTNOTES, below. You should be able to tab between this article and its endnotes if you so desire.) There is a reason why, as old wags say, “a lie can travel halfway […]