One of the loudest voices against any Unitarian Universalist attempt to overcome embedded White supremacy culture is a group calling itself the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Council, usually shortened to UUMUAC. UUMUAC was founded several years ago by one Finley Campbell, a member of Chicago’s First Unitarian Church. He was long UUMUAC’s main spokesman, and is still its Vice-Chair as well as, you might say, its guiding spiritual genius.
After a string of increasingly erratic statements on Finley Campbell’s part, First Unitarian Church canceled the adult religious education class he was teaching. They wrote: “Our tradition is committed to a search for truth that is not merely free but also responsible. . . . We have a responsibility not to use the power and platform of the congregation to spread misinformation. We have a responsibility not to empower the intolerant by tolerating their views.”
From complaints made by UUMUAC Chair, Richard Trudeau, organizers for the Unitarian Universalist Association’s 2022 Portland General Assembly apparently took the same position regarding a platform for UUMUAC. Beyond that, why would General Assembly ever rent floor space to a group whose members have already (loudly) declared their intention to hold public demonstrations against the UUA? Richard Trudeau’s sense of self-entitlement is stunning.
Attached is a list of things Finley Campbell has said, which led to First Unitarian Church Chicago’s decision not to afford him a platform. Some of these statements were actually posted on UUMUAC’s website, so they cannot say such opinions are outliers. Whether UUMUAC Chair Richard Trudeau agrees with all of them or just some of them, he will have to tell you himself.
—White privilege is not real and is in fact a form of anti-white racism.1
—Pluralism, multiculturalism, separatism, race-based identity groups, and implicit bias training must all be rejected.2
—The word “multicultural” means “anti-white.”3
—The Doctrine of Discovery is a program advanced by some Native American capitalists to get support for their industrial investments.4
—The notion of microaggressions and of implicit bias are themselves anti-white racism.5
—The UUA supports racially segregated meetings.6
—Powerful individuals in the UU Ministers Association oppose multiracial Unitarian Universalism.7
—The proposed 8th Principle is anti-white. Being anti-white is the essence of anti-black racism in the leadership of the UUA8
—DRUUMM/ARE “is a kind of anti-democratic authoritarianism whose ultimate goal is the destruction of Unitarian Universalism as a liberal humanist/theist religion.”9
—The organizers of General Assembly 2017 attempted to stop an opening banner parade in order to show that neo-racists were in control of the UUA.10
—“In the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, the term [multiculturalism] is meaningless, unless it is really a code word for anti-white racism.”11
—The Black Power movement of the late 60s and early 70s “was a COINTELPRO (counterintelligence program) run by J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, and then Governor Ronald Reagan.12
1 The Nature of Neo-Racism: An Expository Outline Analysis – A Response to Racism, Old and New, A Working Draft of the 19th and Final Edition – a work still in progress; an emergency copy for the UUGA 2018.
2 The Nature of Neo-Racism: An Expository Outline Analysis
3 Why the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Caucus (UUMUAC, aka the MAC) Should Oppose the Adoption of The Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective 8th Principle in Unitarian Universalism
4 White Chauvinism: Culture, Privilege, Supremacy – A Critical Analysis The MAC GA 18 6th Edition, p 45 5 The MAC Arrow newsletter, spring 2019
6 The MAC Arrow newsletter, Winter 2018
7 UUSJ Newsletter Spring 2018
8 Why the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Caucus (UUMUAC, aka the MAC) Should Oppose the Adoption of The Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective 8th Principle in Unitarian Universalism
9 Why the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Caucus (UUMUAC, aka the MAC) Should Oppose the Adoption of The Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective 8th Principle in Unitarian Universalism
10 The MAC Arrow newsletter Summer 2017
11 The MAC Arrow newsletter, fall 2017
12 Why the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Caucus (UUMUAC, aka the MAC) Should Oppose the Adoption of The Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective 8th Principle in Unitarian Universalism
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